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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Bear with me! This mama to two adopted boys is learning the ropes!

So, I'm new to the world of blogging.  I'll be completely honest with you and tell you that, while I've written for my job, for my schooling, created a website full of writing (well, okay, two of them!), and just for fun: I've NEVER entered the world of blog-dome.  I never thought I needed to, or wanted to.  I thought "our story is out there.  People can go to our website and read it."  But then it dawned on me: our website is geared towards our end goal: adoption.  Did anyone go there anymore since we're not trying to adopt again right now?  I checked the stats: yep.  They're still visiting.  Surely it is out of pure curiosity about who we are because they've heard bits and pieces of our story, or maybe a fantasy that perhaps I'd someday update the thing and bring everyone up to speed about how our incredible little family - which went from two adults to two adults with four tiny legs running around in less than two short years - was doing.  Maybe people wanted to see the "secret" pictures I hadn't somehow shared with Facebook-land (yes, there are over 4,700 pictures of my beautiful children on there... I'm not sure if that makes me (1) insane, (2) an avid picture-taker, (3) or just a little of both and, no, you can't be my friend on Facebook just to see them!).  Anyway, it got me thinking, and thinking for awhile: did I even HAVE TIME with 2 (now demanding) little boys to keep the world apprised of our dealings outside of Facebook?  To help connect other families hoping for the same dream that we've had fulfilled twice-over?  To give my advice to anyone who wanted to take it for what it is: advice.. mine.. and solely mine.  Maybe it works for you; maybe it doesn't?  But, obviously you're reading it so you must be interested?  Hmmmm.... I wasn't really sure.  Did I give it a go and write in the most eloquent of fashions, directing the attention of my so-called-blog to future adoptive parents who were looking for some support and for someone who's "been there, done that!"?  Or did I reach out to the girls who were considering placing for adoption, too?  Because, obviously, having been chosen a few times, and having successfully adopted twice, THEY READ TOO and, um, believe it or not, are the most integral part of this little triad called adoption!  Did I make myself sound educated, thoughtful, and perfectly professional?  Why?  Am I selling a product? Ha! No!  So, here it is, friends... the start to a new journey: the revelations of our past, present and future.  All about adoption.... errrrr (insert the sound of screeching tires here)... well, at least about living with two adopted babies and two extended families (yep, I said it - TWO EXTENDED FAMILIES!  Because our sons' beginnings are continuations of their lives, and ours.  We gained a whole lot more than we thought we would when they went from being just little dreams growing in our hearts and had them placed in our arms: we gained TWO MORE families!  That's a good thing, by the way!  A VERY good thing).   So, here it is: the down & dirty.  The nuts to bolts of how we did it.  The why.  The when.  The WHAT (TF?)?!?  of our lives!  Written in the most UNeloquent way... because this is who I am.  I'm a professional; I'm a mom; and I'm not perfect.  If you're okay with that.... follow us here!  Because I can promise what will follow is a series of UNperfect adventures, laughs, heartaches, and stories that might help you, haunt you, or make you crave even more!  :)   I hope you enjoy..... the craziness that is my life as the adoptive mama of two incredibly special and perfect little boys!

The next few weeks will consist of a few stories, but mostly the background stuff: how we got started on this journey, how it progressed, how our babies came to us, and where we are now.  It will consist of advice and what worked for us, if you're working on adopting, yourself... and it will consist of our views about open vs. semi open vs. closed adoption, because each has its pitfalls, and our opinions have changed greatly over the past couple of years (for the better, I would like to think).  After I get all the nitty-gritty stuff out of the way for those who'd actually like to learn a thing or two about us and/or how we adopted.... I'll give you a little more of the "fun" stuff that is our daily life with these 2 characters we call our sons.

For now... if you truly want to read about US, and our beginnings: here's the link to our adoption website.  It was originally entitled something else, but this shortened version is better, I think... though others have thought so, too, and copied it.  So, haha.. apparently our "success" is measured in our site name (and not in who we are!)  ;-)   Enjoy.    www.YourAdoptionOption.com  And, PS - if you copy our site name, it doesn't mean you'll get "picked" any faster.  It's not about the name (okay, okay, so it is maybe a LITTLE about the name for searching-purposes), but it's about who you are and how you portray yourselves.  At least do me the favor of copying US if you're gonna copy our site ;-)  (no, I'm just kidding.. kinda.  Feel free to use our site as a template for your ideas on how to create your own amazing website... but be creative enough to come up with something that's true to YOU, not US!)  ;-)

And, just for those of you who can't bear to wait another minute to see our two little miracles, here they are!  (Enter "oohs" and "ahhhs" here because you know they're just the cutest lil men you've ever seen in your whole life!)


  1. Steph!! I love it!! So far so good-as I'm sitting here in the waiting room at the University of Iowa(here with a friend for moral support-and just to skip an afternoon from work; ))
    This is where our journey a little over 12 years ago took both a scary and miraculous turn-where I knew in my heart I had seen and felt God!! Just how when I walked into that hospital room the few minutes after Chance was born-and after the birth of Logan, too.. God is good- and he has brought us all together in an Amazing way!!!
    Can't wait to follow the blog-there can't be anything we've possible missed-is there. ; ) love ya


